FEMA - Remove a Structure

To remove a structure from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Special Flood Hazard Zone, an application to amend (Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)), or revise due to the inclusion of fill (Letter of Map Revision-Fill (LOMR-F)), the limits of the flood zone is required by FEMA. Prior to submittal, FEMA requires the review and approval of the Local Floodplain Administrator.

What is needed to make an application? Copies of the following items are required to be submitted digitally to the Permit Center.


  • MT-1 APPLICATION FORMS​: Completed forms applicable to your request. Ensure that MT-1 Forms 1, 2, and 3 was signed by the requester, certifying engineer, and each community affected by the revision.

The approved application will be sealed with an APPROVED stamp and placed in the record.

If you believe your house has been inadvertently included in the Special Flood Hazard Zone, a simplified application​ to amend and remove the house from the flood zone limits is allowed by FEMA. This application goes directly to FEMA without review nor approval by the Local Floodplain Administrator.​​

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