Sargent Ranch Quarry
The comment period closed on November 7, 2022, instead of September 26, 2022.
Content Last Updated: 10/14/2022
- Notice of Time Extension - PDF | English | Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese | Tagalog |
- Frequently Asked Questions - PDF | English | Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese | Tagalog |
- Draft EIR Executive Summary - PDF | English | Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese | Tagalog |
Project Status:
The County is currently preparing an Environmental Impact Report for the sand and gravel mining operation proposed by applicant Sargent Ranch Partners, LLC. The final Environmental Impact Report will include responses to the comments made on the Draft Environmental Impact Report, which was released for review in July 2022. The comment period closed on November 7, 2022. After the final EIR is issued, the project will be scheduled for a hearing before the Planning Commission.
The draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the proposed 403-acre mining operation and is posted below.
Please address questions to:
Robert Salisbury, Principal Planner
[email protected]
Sargent Ranch Partners, LLC (Applicant) proposes to construct, operate for 30 years, and subsequently reclaim the Sargent Quarry Project on an approximately 403-acre site in Santa Clara County. The project is a sand and gravel mining operation that includes an aggregate processing facility. The project site is located in the Sargent Ranch property, approximately 4 miles south of the city of Gilroy and approximately 1 mile south of the U.S. 101 and Highway 25 interchange. The mined material (sand and gravel, collectively called “product”) would be extracted in four phases over 30 years and would be transported off-site by a combination of truck and train hauling. Final reclamation of the last surface mining phase and the aggregate processing facility would occur at the end of the project’s life. The project requires adoption of a Reclamation Plan and issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for the 30-year life of the quarry.
- Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
- Draft Environmental Impact Report
- DEIR Errata
- Appendix A: Notice of Preparation and Scoping Comments
- Appendix B: Mining and Reclamation Plan
- Appendix C: General Plan Policies Consistency Analysis
- Appendix D: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Calculations
- Appendix E: Biological Resources
- Appendix F: Energy Use Calculations
- Appendix G: Geology, Soils, and Paleontology
- Appendix H: Hazards (Phase 1 ESA)
- Appendix I: Hydrology and Water Quality
- Appendix J: Noise
- Appendix K: Transportation
- Appendix L: Fire Protection Plan
- Appendix M: Cultural Resources - Redacted version available upon request.
To request this Appendix, please email Robert Salisbury. - Notice of Availability
- Notice of Time Extension - posted 9/23/2022
- Notice of Completion
Application Materials
- Technical Reports
- Site Maps
- Figure 1: Regional Location map
- Figure 2: Surface Water Bodies and Site Location
- Figure 3: Existing Conditions
- Figure 4: Existing Drainage Plan
- Figure 5: Ownership Map
- Figure 6: Local Geology
- Figure 7a: Biotic Habitats
- Figure 7b: Special Status Species Observations
- Figure 8: Aggregate Plant Site Plan
- Figure 8a: Aggregate Plan Site Lighting Plan
- Plans and Specifications
- Figure 9: Mining Site Plan
- Figure 9a: Access Road
- Figure 9b: Access Road_Phases 3 and 4
- Figure 9c: Access and Truck Traffic Plan
- Figure 10: Phase 3 and 4 Excavation Plan
- Figure 11: Pit 1 Grading and Phasing Plan
- Figure 12: Phase 1 Excavation Plan
- Figure 13: Phase 2 Excavation and Phase 1 Reclamation
- Figure 14: Mine Cross Sections
- Figure 15: Mine Cross Sections
- Figure 15a: Mine Cross Sections
- Figure 16: Mine Drainage Plan
- Reclamation Plan - updated Feb 2022
- Figure 17: Phase 3 and 4 Final Reclamation
- Figure 18: Phase 1 and 2 Final Reclamation
- Figure 19: Aggregate Plan Reclamation
- Figure 20: Mine Reclamation Cross Sections
- Figure 21: Mine Reclamation Cross Sections
- Figure 22a: Mine Reclamation Planting Questions
- Figure 22b: Mine Reclamation Planting
- Figure 23: Revegetation Plan
- Figure 24: Test Plot Plan
If you would like to be added to the Interested Parties List for future Sargent Quarry informational e-mails, please fill out the form below:
Sargent Ranch is located approximately four (4) miles south of the City of Gilroy, California, and west of Highway 101 in Santa Clara County. Sargent Ranch is approximately 6,400 acres, and majority of the property is within Santa Clara County.
Sargent Quarry is a proposed sand and gravel mining operation that would include construction and operation of four (4) mining pits and associated aggregate processing facilities on approximately 320 acres of the Sargent Ranch property. The mineral resources proposed to be quarried include approximately 40 million tons of sand and gravel aggregate, which would be extracted in four (4) phases over approximately 30 years, following each quarry phase the mining sites would be reclaimed.
The remaining approximately 6,083 acres of the Sargent Ranch are proposed to be maintained in their current conditions, with the primary ongoing use being cattle ranching. The site has an existing oil extraction facility under a different Use Permit, and the facility would also continue the operation.
Mining operations are proposed to occur year-round at the site Monday through Saturday between 4:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
In accordance with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act and County Ordinance requirements, reclamation of the quarry and material processing area would be undertaken when mining at each phase is complete. Reclamation is the process by which impacts of surface mining are minimized and mine lands are returned to a beneficial end use. Disturbed lands would be restored to agricultural uses (e.g., grazing).
The County of Santa Clara is currently evaluating the extent of tribal and cultural resources that exist on the Sargent Ranch site as a part of Environmental Impact Report preparation process, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Assembly Bill 52. The County has consulted with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band regarding identification of tribal cultural resources on the site and feasible mitigation measures for impacts from the proposed project to the any tribal cultural resources.
Assembly Bill No. 52 requires the County to consult, prior to the release of a negative declaration, mitigated negative declaration, or environmental impact report for a project, with a California Native American tribe that is traditionally and culturally affiliated with the geographic area of the proposed project.
The County is currently preparing an Environmental Impact Report that will include responses to the comments made on the Draft Environmental Impact Report and include text edits and clarifications as needed. The Draft EIR was created in accordance with Assembly Bill 52, with tribal consultation with the Amah Mutsun Tribe. Following publication of the Final EIR, the project will be scheduled for a hearing before the Planning Commission.
As a part of the environmental report preparation process, the County will disclose significant impacts on tribal resources and identify associated mitigation measures. If a significant impact cannot be mitigated to a less-than-significant level, the County Planning Commission cannot approve the project unless it adopts a Statement of Overriding Considerations explaining the reasons for the approval despite significant and unavoidable impacts having been identified.
The quarry operation could have a lifespan of 50 years or more based on consumption rates. However, the operator is requesting a 30-year term for the Use Permit.
County of Santa Clara Planning Commission is the decision-making body for approval. The Planning Commission’s decision may be appealed to the Board of Supervisors by any person dissatisfied with the Commission’s decision.
The Planning Division will send out notification of updates to whom persons on the Interested Parties List. If you would like to join the Interested Parties List, please fill out the form at:
Additional information about the Sargent quarry application is available at:
For more information on the project, contact Robert Salisbury, (408) 299-5785.