Zoning Administration
September 05, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m.
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Webinar ID: 992 7206 3432
Staff Reports
- Item #1: File 23-155 - Public hearing to consider a land use application for an Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) for a new, two-story, 3,960 sq. ft. storage building to support an existing men’s clothing retail store. The project does not propose any grading but does request a reduction to the required amount of parking.
- Item #2: File 23-194 - Public hearing to consider a land use application for an Architecture & Site Approval for a new wireless telecommunication facility to construct a forty-nine (49) feet tall monopole and associated ground-based equipment. The monopole will be disguised as a pine tree. The tower and associated equipment will be located within the 204 square foot leasehold area enclosed behind an eight-foot-tall fence.
- Item#3: File 23-195 - Public hearing to consider a land use application for an Architecture & Site Approval for a new wireless telecommunication facility to construct forty-nine (49) feet and eleven (11) inch tall monopole and associated ground-based equipment. The monopole will be disguised as a pine tree. The tower and associated equipment will be located within the 204 square foot leasehold area enclosed behind an eight-foot-tall fence.
Notice to the Public
Pursuant to the provisions of California Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20, issued on March 17, 2020, the September 05, 2024 Zoning Administration hearing will be held online via zoom. No physical location will be available for the hearing; however, members of the public will be able to participate in the hearing at:
Please review the Public Comment Instructions below.
Public Comment Instructions
Members of the public may provide public comments at this meeting as follows:
- Written public comments may be submitted by email to the project planner at the email address indicated in the agenda.
- Spoken public comments will be accepted through the teleconference meeting. To address the Hearing Officer, click on the Zoom link above to access the Zoom-based meeting. Please read the following instructions carefully:
- You may download the Zoom client or connect to the meeting in-browser. If using your browser, make sure you are using a current, up-to-date browser such as Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, or Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers, including Internet Explorer.
- You will be asked to enter an email address and name. The Clerk requests that you identify yourself by name as this will be visible online and will be used to notify you that it is your turn to speak.
- When the Hearing Officer calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on “raise hand.” The Clerk will activate and unmute speakers in turn. Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak.
- When called to speak, please limit your remarks to the time limit allotted.
- Item #1: PLN20-134 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application including a Building Site Approval, Design Review-Tier 2, and Grading Approval for the construction of a new 12,399 sq. ft. three-story single-family residence, a 1,664 sq. ft. detached garage, and associated improvements. Grading quantities include 3,477 cubic yards of cut and 1,021 cubic yards of fill. The project proposes removal of eight trees, of which one tree is protected under the County Ordinance Code (over twelve inches in diameter); all other existing trees are to remain.
July 11, 2024 - Canceled
- Item#1: PLN24-010 - Public Hearing to consider a concurrent land use application including an Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) and Grading Approval for the construction of three new structures, and associated site improvements to serve as staging area for equipment and materials used for maintenance of the Stanford athletic facilities. The structures include Structure A (645 sq. ft.), Structure B (600 sq. ft.), and Structure C (4,500 sq. ft.). Proposed grading quantities associated with this project include 360 cubic yards of cut and 187 cubic yards of fill, with a maximum depth of 3.5 feet. No protected tree is proposed to be removed.
- Item#2: PLN22-019 - Request: Consider a request for a Special Permit to allow the construction of a detached 500 square foot garage located within a required side-yard setback on a sloping, 10,910 square foot lot with an existing residence. Associated improvements include a new driveway approach along West Road. Grading quantities include 12 cubic yards of cut. There are no trees proposed for removal in associated with this project.
- Item #1: PLN22-006 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application and Planning Clearance for a new single-family residence, new detached ADU and JADU, and a live-stock shelter and related improvements. The application also includes a request for a Temporary Agricultural Employee Residence which requires a Planning Clearance. The item was continued to a date certain (May 2, 2024, Zoning Administrator Hearing). However, the applicant has submitted a revised application, which is currently incomplete and requires additional review.
- Item #2: PLN22-234 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application including Special Permit and Design Review to allow construction of a 1,199 sq. ft. small-scale permanent agricultural employee housing on a 43.32-gross acre lot. The associated improvement includes a 1,849 sq. ft. storage area within the basement of the agricultural employee housing unit. Grading quantities include 178 cubic yards of cut and 215 cubic yards of fill. There are no trees proposed for removal in association with this project.
Special Hearing - February 8, 2024
- Item #1: File PLN18-8580 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application for the construction of a new two (2) story 5,549 square foot single-family residence including a 1,332 square foot attached garage/basement area. The project will also demolish an existing storage structure, modify the existing driveway, construct a new firetruck turnaround, legalize landslide repair work, and restore site grading on this and the neighboring parcels to previolation conditions. Grading quantities of approximately 6,123 cubic yards of cut and 1,547 cubic yards of fill.
- Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program - (CEQA- MND & Appendix A for project conditions of approval Attachment B)
- Item #1: File PLN22-117 - Continued from the January 11, 2024, Zoning Administration hearing to a date certain of February 1, 2024. Public hearing to consider a Minor Subdivision application to subdivide an approximately 15.2-acre site into three lots, Parcel 1 (5 acres), Parcel 2 (5.2 acres), and Parcel 3 (5.0 acres), for the purposes of future residential development on Parcels 1 & 3. Grading of the project site would involve approximately 90 cubic yards of cut to establish a cul-de-sac and a private road to access Parcels 2 & 3.
- Item #2: File PLN22-006 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application and Planning Clearance for a new single-family residence, new detached ADU and JADU, and a live-stock shelter with three plumbing fixtures and related improvements. The application also includes a request for a Temporary Agricultural Employee Residence which requires a Planning Clearance.
- Item #3: File PLN22-014 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application for the construction of a new two (2) story 7,521 square foot single-family residence with a 944 square foot attached garage, a 1,233 square foot attached carport, and an attached 500 square foot junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU). The project also includes the construction of a new detached 1,200 square foot accessory dwelling unit (ADU) and will also demolish the two existing dwellings, modify the existing driveway, construct a new firetruck turnaround, with grading quantities of approximately 1,766 cubic yards of cut and 229 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #1: File PLN22-117 - Public hearing to consider a Minor Subdivision application to subdivide an approximately 15.2-acre site into three lots, Parcel 1 (5 acres), Parcel 2 (5.2 acres), and Parcel 3 (5.0 acres), for the purposes of future residential development on Parcels 1 & 3. Grading of the project site would involve approximately 90 cubic yards of cut to establish a cul-de-sac and a private road to access to each Parcels 2 & 3.
- Item #1: File PLN22-063 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application including an Architecture & Site Approval and Grading Approval for the reconstruction of Serra Street, between El Camino Real and Pampas Lane, including new pathways, lighting, and landscaping. The project includes 3,700 cubic yards of cut and 3,900 cubic yards of fill and a maximum vertical depth of 3 feet for the road reconstruction and the establishment of a temporary laydown/construction staging area on Pampas Lane.
- Item #2: File PLN23-127 - Public hearing to consider a request for a Variance application concerning an unpermitted 240 square foot workshop on a hillside, interior lot abutting two streets. The Variance seeks to reduce the double frontage lot setback for accessory structures from 25% of the lot depth (approximately 46 feet) to 20 feet from the edge of the Redwood Drive right-of-way. Should a Variance be granted, a Building Permit will be required to legalize the existing structure. There are no additional associated improvements.
- Item #1: File PLN21-223 - Public hearing to consider a request for a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide a 10-gross-acre parcel into two lots, Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, each measuring 5-gross-acres. Grading quantities proposed are 33 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and no fill for subdivision frontage improvements along Foothill Avenue. An existing 44,000 square feet (sq.ft.) greenhouse, a 3,600 sq.ft. shed, a 600 sq.ft. boiler room, a private well, a 10,000-gallon water tank, and a driveway located on proposed Parcel 1 are proposed to remain. An existing 26,000 sq.ft. greenhouse and leach field (associated with existing development) are proposed to be demolished. No tree removal is proposed. No construction of residences is proposed as a part of this subdivision.
- Item #1: File PLN23-050 - Public hearing to consider a land use application of Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) for the construction of a new 41,368 square feet structure to cover the existing Taube South tennis courts, and associated site improvements. The project will retain the existing tennis courts and precast concrete bleachers of 1,026 square feet. No protected tree is proposed to be removed. No grading or exterior lighting is proposed as part of the project.
- Item #1: File PLN23-033 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application including an Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) and Grading Approval for the new Smith Family Softball Stadium including a 27,430 square foot (sq. ft.) stadium building, and associated site improvements. The project includes demolition of the existing 260 sq. ft. softball press box. Proposed grading quantities associated with the Grading Approval include 1,306 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and 124 c.y. of fill, with a maximum depth of 7 feet.
- Item #2: File PLN23-036 - Public hearing to consider a concurrent land use application including an Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) and Grading Approval for the construction of the new Varsity Tennis Center including a 48,289 square foot tennis center building, replacement and reconfiguration of tennis courts, and associated site improvements. The project includes demolition of four structures included in the existing Varsity Tennis Court Facility, and the Taube Family Tennis Stadium, with a total demolition square footage of 48,752. Proposed grading quantities associated with the Grading Approval include 1,553 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and 4,545 c.y. of fill, with a maximum depth of 11.5 feet.
- Item #1: File PLN23-025 - Grading Approval and Variance for the construction of a 495 square foot detached accessory structure on a 42,395-square-foot lot. Variance request is for a front setback reduction of 28 feet to 20 feet from the edge of road dedication. Associated improvements include removal of existing retaining walls. Grading consists of 83 cubic yards of cut and 10 cubic yards of fill, with a maximum depth of 10 feet.
Special Meeting - May 19, 2023
- Item #1: File PLN21-130 - Consider a request for a concurrent land use application including a Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Variance for the construction of a three-story 3,700 square foot single-family residence with an 800 square foot basement and an attached garage on a 10-acre lot. Associated improvements include installation of a new driveway, septic system, and water tanks. The water tanks are located within the front setback. Grading consists of 735 cubic yards of cut and 782 cubic yards of fill.
- Continued Item #1: File PLN20-178 - Minor Subdivision to subdivide a 78.9-acre site into two (2) lots of 37.1 acres (Lot A) and 43.32 acres (Lot B) for the purposes of future residential development of each lot. No access or other improvements are proposed or required as part of the subdivision and no grading is required or proposed.
- Item #1: File PLN21-130 - Consider a request for a concurrent land use application including a Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Variance for the construction of a three-story 3,700 square foot single-family residence with an 800 square foot basement and an attached garage on a 10- acre lot. Associated improvements include installation of a new driveway, septic system, and water tanks. The water tanks are located within the front setback. Grading consists of 735 cubic yards of cut and 782 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #2: File PLN22-018 - Grading Approval and Design Review (Tier II) for a two (2) story 5,830 square foot single-family residence with a 570 square foot attached garage and a 925 square foot detached garage. Proposed estimated grading quantities outside of the building footprints are 886 cubic yards of cut and 635 cubic yards of fill with a maximum fill depth of 8.9 feet.
- Item #1: File PLN20-178 - Minor Subdivision to subdivide a 78.9-acre site into two (2) lots of 37.1 acres (Lot A) and 43.32 acres (Lot B) for the purposes of future residential development of each lot. No access or other improvements are proposed or required as part of the subdivision and no grading is required or proposed.
- Item #2: File PLN21-112 - Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Design Review for the construction of a two-story, 5,886 square foot (sq. ft.) single-family residence, with an attached 830 sq. ft. garage and a 1,189 sq. ft. detached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) with an attached 399 sq. ft. garage on a 20-acre lot. Associated improvements include installation of a new driveway. Grading quantities consists of 1,710 cubic yards of cut and 2,657 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #3: File PLN22-207 - Architecture & Site Approval and Grading Approval for a 12,500 square foot addition and renovation of underground locker rooms and athletic training facilities at the Maples Pavilion (not a historic resource). The project site is located on the southeastern portion of Campus Drive, between Bonair Siding Road and Sam McDonald Mall, adjacent to the Arrillaga Family Sports Center and football practice fields. Proposed grading quantities associated with Grading Approval include 8,100 cubic yards of cut and 70 cubic yards of fill, with a maximum depth of 17.5 feet to establish the underground athletic facility.
- Item #4: File PLN23-011 - Architecture & Site Approval for installation of a new thirty-five (35) feet high wooden pole with four (4) new antennas and two (2) radio units, along Junipero Serra Boulevard. The project includes removal of four antennas and two radio units from an existing PG&E utility pole. No tree removal or exterior lighting is proposed with this project.
- Item #1: PLN21-205 - Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Special Permit for the construction of a two-story, 2,202-square foot single-family residence, with a 1,469-square foot basement (254 square feet exposed), 772-square foot attached accessory dwelling unit (ADU), and a detached 484-square foot garage located in the front half of the lot on a 6,480-square foot lot. Associated improvements include demolition of the existing swimming pool and creation of a new swimming pool. Grading consists of 890 cubic yards of cut (480 not including cut for structures) and 45 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #2: PLN22-010 - Design Review (Tier 2) and Grading Approval for the construction of a 6,298 square foot single-family residence with a 1,160 square foot attached garage and a detached 1,174 square foot accessory dwelling unit (ADU). Proposed estimated grading quantities are 505 cubic yards of cut and 460 cubic yards of fill with a maximum depth of 3.5 feet.
Special Session - February 9, 2023
- Item #1: PLN21-021 - Consider a request for a concurrent land use application of Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Design Review, within the New Almaden Historic Preservation District (-h1) for a new 4,075 square foot (s.f.) single family residence with a 989 s.f. garage/gym, and a 1,339 s.f. unconditioned basement for storage.
- Item #1: PLN21-021 - Consider a request for a concurrent land use application of Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Design Review, within the New Almaden Historic Preservation District (-h1) for a new 4,075 square foot (s.f.) single family residence with a 989 s.f. garage/gym, and a 1,339 s.f. unconditioned basement for storage.
- Item #2: PLN21-222 - Consider request for a concurrent land use application of an Architecture and Site Approval and Grading Approval, for a new 4,000 square foot (sq. ft.) agricultural research building with a 4,000 sq.ft. proposed future expansion, and Building Site Approval for a 4,000 sq. ft. single-family residence with a 1,200 sq. ft. accessory dwelling unit. The project also proposes two 5,000 sq.ft. agricultural barns. Associated site improvements include driveway access from Vista De Lomas Avenue at three locations, two leach fields, one well, four water tanks, and two bioretention ponds. Thirty-two parking spaces are proposed with this project. Grading quantities for the project are 1,252 cubic yards of cut and 400 cubic yards of fill with a maximum cut depth of 2.5 feet, to establish the driveways and the bioretention ponds. No tree removal is proposed.
- Item #1: PLN21-021 - Consider a request for a concurrent land use application of Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Design Review, within the New Almaden Historic Preservation District (-h1) for a new 4,075 square foot (s.f.) single family residence with a 989 s.f. garage/gym, and a 1,339 s.f. unconditioned basement for storage.
- Item #2: PLN21-098 - Consider recommendation of a concurrent land use permit for Building Site Approval over 30% slope, Design Review (for scenic road), Grading Approval, and Variance. The request includes the construction of a new two-story, 4,866 square-foot residence on a 14.3-acre parcel. Associated improvements include a new driveway, septic system, and water tanks located within the front yard setback. The Variance request is to reduce the front yard setback for water tanks from the required 30’-0” setback to 14’-0”. Total grading quantities for the proposed project include 927 cubic yards of cut and 367 cubic yards of fill with a maximum vertical depth of 10.5 feet for the foundation of the residence.
- Item #3: PLN21-222 - Consider request for a concurrent land use application including an Architecture and Site Approval and Grading Approval for construction of a new 4,000 square foot (s.f.) agricultural research building with a 4,000 s.f. proposed future expansion, a 4,000 sq. ft. single-family dwelling with a 1,200 s.f. accessory dwelling unit, and two 5,000 s.f.. agricultural barns, on a 11.2-acre lot. Associated site improvements include driveway access from Vista De Lomas Avenue at three locations, two leach fields, one well, four water tanks (a 44,000-liter water tank for the research facility and three 5-liter water tanks for residential use), and two bioretention ponds. Thirty-two parking spaces are proposed with this project. Grading quantities for the project are 1,252 cubic yards of cut and 400 cubic yards of fill with a maximum cut depth of 2.5 feet, to establish the driveways and the bioretention ponds. No tree removal is proposed.
October 1, 2022 - Canceled
November 3, 2022
- Item #1: File PLN21-207 - Consider request for a concurrent land use application including a Major Modification to Architecture and Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Design Review Exemption for expansion of the existing Tennis Center to add the construction of eight new pickle ball courts, two new bocce ball courts, a 1,487 sf cabana structure, a 624 square foot support building containing storage and restrooms, and associated improvements on a 144.9 parcel within the approximately 1,400-acre property that comprises the CordeValle Resort. Associated improvements include 15 additional parking spaces and a secondary access for emergency response. Grading consists of 1,486 cubic yards of cut and 443 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #2: File PLN22-039 - Consider a request for a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide a 10-gross-acre parcel into two lots, Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, each measuring 5-gross-acres. Grading quantities proposed are 22 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and 135 c.y. of fill, for subdivision frontage improvements along Harding Avenue. An existing shed 215 square feet in size, located in the northwestern corner of the property, is proposed to be demolished. No tree removal is proposed. No construction of residences is proposed as a part of this subdivision.
October 6, 2022 - Canceled
September 1, 2022
- Item #1: File PLN21-085 - Minor Modification of Architecture and Site Approval (ASA) and Grading Approval for the renovation of Building B (Boys’ Dormitory) and Building L (Counselors dormitory and shower). Proposed work includes fire road extension, renovation of outdoor amphitheatre area, replacement of an existing shade structure, and landscaping replacement and upgrade. Grading consists of 750 cubic yards of cut and 150 cubic yards of fill.
July 7, 2022
Item #1: File PLN22-005 - Consider a concurrent land use application for Design Review and Grading Approval of an 11,173 square-foot, two-story single-family residence with an attached garage, two detached accessory structures, and a detached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on a one (1)-acre lot. Associated improvements include demolition of the existing single-family residence, existing driveway improvement, and removal of nine (9) trees with trunk diameters under 12 inches. Grading consists of 2,030 cubic yards of cut and 515 cubic yards of fill.
June 02, 2022 - canceled
May 05, 2022
- Continued Item #1: File PLN20-018 - Concurrent land use application for a three (3) lot Minor Subdivision and Grading Approval. Associated improvements include improvements to a private road that provides access. Grading consists of 5,458 cubic yards of cut and 4,032 cubic yards of fill for access improvements.
- Public Hearing Item #1: File PLN21-011 - Consider request for an Architecture & Site Approval and Grading Approval for the Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE) project, including rehabilitation of the existing North Building (significant historic resource determined to be potentially eligible for listing), demolition of two out of three buildings of the Barnum Center (not a historic resource), construction of a new four-story South Building directly across from the North Building, and associated site improvements. The project site is located adjacent to the Green Library (a listed historic resource) and east of the Main Quadrangle (a listed historic resource), along Lasuen Mall, on Stanford Campus. Proposed grading quantities associated with the Grading Approval include 834 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and 276 c.y. of fill, with a maximum depth of 9 feet.
April 07, 2022 - canceled due to lack of agenda items
March 03, 2022 - canceled
February 03, 2022
continued to February 04, 2022
February 3rd and continued to February 4th
- Item #1: PLN21-113 - Consider request for a concurrent land use application including Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Special Permit for the construction of a 7,546 square foot (s.f.) single-family residence, with a detached garage and a detached accessory structure with more than two (2) plumbing fixtures on an 8.3-acre lot. Associated improvements include installation of a new driveway, tennis court, and septic system. Grading consists of 698 cubic yards of cut and 825 cubic yards of fill.
January 27, 2022
- Item #1: PLN20-018 - Concurrent land use application for a three (3) lot Minor Subdivision and Grading Approval. Associated improvements include improvements to a private road that provides access. Grading consists of 5,458 cubic yards of cut and 4,032 cubic yards of fill for access improvements.
January 13, 2022
- Item #1: PLN20-171 - Consider a recommendation for Design Review of a 5,030 square foot single-family residence with an attached garage and a detached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on a 0.9-acre lot. Associated improvements include demolition of the existing single-family residence and accessory structures and removal of the existing driveway for installation of a new driveway. Grading consists of 74 cubic yards of cut and 107 cubic yards of fill.
December 2, 2021 - Canceled
November 5, 2021
- Continued Item #1 - File PLN20-124 - Consider request of a concurrent land use application for Design Review (Tier II) and Grading Approval to allow construction of a new 10,753-square-foot new single-family residence, with attached garages, and improvements of the driveway and septic system on a vacant lot. Grading consists of 1,425 cubic yards of cut and 1,937 cubic yards of fill (total 3,362 cubic yards).
November 4, 2021
- Continued Item #1 - File PLN21-040 - Consider request of a concurrent land use application for Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) and Grading Approval to allow the construction of a new 157,500 square-foot Bridge Building and associated site improvements at the site of the former Herrin Hall and Lab.
- Item #2 - File PLN20-124 - Consider request of a concurrent land use application for Design Review (Tier II) and Grading Approval to allow construction of a new 10,753-square-foot new single-family residence, with attached garages, and improvements of the driveway and septic system on a vacant lot. Grading consists of 1,425 cubic yards of cut and 1,937 cubic yards of fill (total 3,362 cubic yards).
- Item #3 - File PLN20-034 - Consider request for Building Site Approval on Slope 30 % or Greater for a 1,072 square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence. No grading or site improvements are proposed beyond grading for the foundation. The project scope includes legalizing the existing, unpermitted curbs, fences, and retaining walls along the driveway, and recording an ingress-egress easement for portions of the driveway located on the adjacent parcel.
- Item #4 - File PLN19-0130 - Consider request of a concurrent land use application for a Tentative Parcel Map and Grading Approval to subdivide a 26,028 square-foot (sq.ft.) parcel into two parcels (Parcel 1 and 2), each measuring 13,014 sq.ft. The proposed grading consists of 888 cubic yards of cut and 230 cubic yards of fill (total 1,118 cubic yards) to establish subdivision improvements, driveways and two new single-family residences on the proposed parcels. One non-native tree is proposed for removal with this project.
- Item #5 - File PLN20-105 - Consider a request of a concurrent land use permit for Grading Abatement/Approval and Design Review for the construction of a 12,352 square- foot detached accessory dwelling unit (barn) on a 10-acre lot. Associated improvements include legalizing the existing terracing for the current owner’s orchard planting and pad for the proposed barn, and a maximum 5-foot retaining wall east of the detached barn. Total grading consists of 6,117 cubic yards of cut and 3,909 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #6 - File PLN20-070 - Consider request of a concurrent land use permit for Grading Approval and Design Review for a 1,599 square foot addition to an existing single-family residence on a 15.9-acre lot. Associated improvements include exterior terraces and decks, a swimming pool, and improvement to the existing driveway for fire turnout. Grading consists of 681 cubic yards of cut and 190 cubic yards of fill.
October 7, 2021
- Item #1 - PLN20-079 - Consider request for Architectural and Site Approval (ASA) to legalize exterior protective netting constructed without a permit around Hole Nos. 9 and 10 of the Boulder Ridge Club Golf Course.
- Item #2 - PLN21-040 - Consider request for a concurrent land use application for Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) and Grading Approval for the construction of a new 157,500 square-foot Bridge Building and associated site improvements at the site of the former Herrin Hall and Lab.
August 5, 2021
- Continued Item #1 - PLN14-10531 - Continuance Memo - Consider request for a concurrent land use entitlement for a Building Site Approval and Variance for the construction of a new residence.
- Item #1 - PLN21-095 - Consider request for a concurrent land use entitlement for a two-lot Tentative Parcel Map and Grading Approval for driveway improvements and fire truck turnarounds. The Tentative Parcel Map would subdivide a 58-gross-acre parcel into two (2) lots, Parcel A measuring 38-gross-acres and Parcel B measuring 20-gross-acres. Proposed Parcel B contains an existing residence that is proposed to be retained. Grading cut and fill of 177 and 92 cubic yards, respectively. No tree removal is proposed.
- Item #2 - PLN16-10700-EXT - Consider request for an extension of time to record the final map for an approved 4-lot minor subdivision.
July 1, 2021
- Item #1 - PLN14-10531 - Consider request for a concurrent land use entitlement for a Building Site Approval and Variance for the construction of a new residence.
- Item #2 - PLN20-048 - Consider request for an Architecture & Site Approval (ASA) for the construction of a new 1,689 square-foot Collaboration Building in the CASBS Complex, that has been determined ‘potentially eligible’ for listing in the California Register of Historic Resources, and associated site improvements. The project includes demolition of two existing storage sheds and a shower facility, located at the far end of the CASBS Complex parking lot, equaling a total of 1,721 square-feet of demolition area.
- Item #3 - PLN19-0141 - Concurrent land use application for a Building Site Approval and Design Review (-sr) for the construction of a new 741 square foot single-family residence, with an attached garage on a vacan lot. Ancillary site improvements include construction of a new driveway and septic system. The proposed building site is located within 100 feet of a County-designate scenic road. Grading consists of 13 cubic yards of cut and 11 cubic yards of fill (total 24 cubic yards). A total of seven (7) trees are proposed to be removed for the subject project.
- Item #4 - PLN20-124 - Concurrent land use entitlement of a Design Review (Tier II) and Grading Approval for a 10,753-square-foot new single-family residence, with attached garages, and improvements of the driveway and septic system on a vacant lot. Grading consists of 1,425 cubic yards of cut and 1,937 cubic yards of fill (total 3,362 cubic yards). The project was deemed complete on May 27, 2021. The project required a Planning Commission Hearing due to misinterpretation of the Permit Streamline Act and failure to obtain an extension to the 30-day review period from the applicant. Incomplete comments from multiple agencies are not addressed in the current submittal package.
June 21, 2021
- Item #1 - File PLN19-0164 - Consider request for a concurrent land use entitlement for an Architecture & Site Approval and Grading Approval for the construction of a new 55,084 square-foot George P. Shultz Building, and associated site improvements. The project includes demolition of the existing 50,845 square-foot Lou Henry Hoover Building. The project site is located adjacent to Hoover Tower to the west (Historic Resource), Encina Hall to the east (Historic Resource), and fronts Jane Stanford Way and Galvez Mall, on the Stanford Campus. Proposed grading quantities associated with the Grading Approval include 212 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and 104 c.y. of fill, with a maximum depth of 5 feet. Grading associated with the building pad/foundation includes an additional 1,655 c.y. of cut and 1,937 c.y. of fill.
June 3, 2021
- Item #1 - File PLN19-0164 - Consider request for a concurrent land use entitlement for an Architecture & Site Approval and Grading Approval for the construction of a new 55,084 square-foot George P. Shultz Building, and associated site improvements. The project includes demolition of the existing 50,845 square-foot Lou Henry Hoover Building. The project site is located adjacent to Hoover Tower to the west (Historic Resource), Encina Hall to the east (Historic Resource), and fronts Jane Stanford Way and Galvez Mall, on the Stanford Campus. Proposed grading quantities associated with the Grading Approval include 212 cubic yards (c.y.) of cut and 104 c.y. of fill, with a maximum depth of 5 feet. Grading associated with the building pad/foundation includes an additional 1,655 c.y. of cut and 1,937 c.y. of fill.
April 15, 2021
- Item #1 - File: PLN17-10641-MOD1: Consider request for a Minor Modification of a concurrent land use entitlement for of a Two-lot Tentative Parcel Map and Grading Approval to revise project Conditions of Approval related to off-site road improvements and driveways.
April 8, 2021
- Continued Public Hearing
- Item #1 - File PLN20-102: Consider request for a concurrent land use entitlement for a Design Review (Tier 2) and Grading Approval for a 10,879-square foot new single-family residence with attached garages, and associated improvements of the existing driveway and septic system. Grading consists of 226 cubic yards of cut and 245 cubic yards of fill (total 471 cubic yards). No tree removal is proposed for the subject project.
- Public Hearing
- Item #1 - File PLN20-024: Consider request of a concurrent land use entitlement for a two-lot Tentative Parcel Map and Grading Approval for subdivision improvements. The parcel map would subdivide a 10-gross-acre parcel into two lots (Parcels 1 and 2), of approximately 5-gross-acres each. The project also includes subdivision improvements, driveways and building pads for the proposed construction of two new single family residences on each proposed parcels. Grading quantities for the project are proposed to be 28 cubic yards of cut, and 448 cubic yards of fill. Three non-native trees are proposed for removal with this project.
- Item #2 - File PLN17-10641-MOD1: Consider request for a Minor Modification of a concurrent land use entitlement for of a Two-lot Tentative Parcel Map and Grading Approval to revise project Conditions of Approval related to off-site road improvements and driveways.
March 11, 2021
- Item #1 - File PLN20-102: Concurrent Land Use Entitlement for a Design Review Approval (Tier 2) and Grading Approval for a 10,879-square foot new single-family residence with attached garages, and associated improvements of the existing driveway and septic system. Grading consists of 226 cubic yards of cut and 245 cubic yards of fill (total 471 cubic yards). No tree removal is proposed for the subject project.
February 4, 2021
- Item #1 - File PLN17-10080: Consider recommendation of a concurrent land use permit for a Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, Design Review, and Open Space Easement Compatible Use Determination for an 8,647 square- foot singe-family residence with a 1,373 detached garage, and a 1,198 square-foot detached accessory dwelling unit on a 27.1 acre lot. Associated improvements include; driveway, retaining walls, and proposed landscaping. Grading consists of 1,216 cubic yards of cut and 1,977 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #2 - File PLN19-0206: Consider recommendation of an Architectural and Site Approval for a wireless telecommunications facility at an existing winery facility. The project includes a new 80-foot tall mono-pine and a fenced equipment area, located within the footprint of the three (3) existing wireless towers. Grading is not proposed as part of the project.
- Item #3 - PLN18-11191: Consider recommendation for a concurrent land use permit for a Building Site Approval on Slopes Exceeding 30%, Variance, Design Review and Grading Approval. The request includes the construction of a new two-story, 4,720 square-foot residence on a 79.5 acre parcel. Associated improvements include a new driveway, septic system, and water tanks located within the front yard setback. The Variance request is to reduce the front yard setback for water tanks from the required 30’-0” setback to 3’-0”. Total grading quantities for the proposed project include 747 cubic yards of cut and 306 cubic yards of fill with a maximum vertical depth of 9 feet for the foundation of the residence.
January 14, 2021
- Item #1 - File PLN20-155: Modification of the 2016 Building Site Approval and Variance Concurrent Land Use Permit for a 2,200-square foot single-family residence. The Modification request is to reduce the front setback from 7’-0” to 6’-1¼” to legalize an encroachment into the front setback that occurred during construction.
- Item #2 - File PLN20-159: A Variance request to reduce the existing, nonconforming east side yard setback from 9’-11½” to 9’-10” to legalize construction that occurred, which was misrepresented on the original building plans. The scope of the construction project, as modified, includes a rebuild of the existing residence, a two-story addition, and a junior accessory dwelling unit (JADU), totaling approximately 3,347 square feet.
December 10, 2020
- Item #1 - File PLN19-0227: Consider recommendations for Tentative map approval to subdivide a 12.5 gross-acre site into two parcels (Parcel 1: 5.69 gross acres, Parcel 2: 6.81 gross acres) located at 13875 Murphy Ave, San Martin, CA within the RR-5ac (Rural Residential 5-acre) zoning district. The existing residence would remain on proposed Parcel 2. No associated site improvements are included on Proposed Parcel 1. No trees would be removed. Grading quantities associated with future development of Parcel 1 are approximately 121 cubic yards of total cut and 388 cubic yards of total fill.
November 12, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN19-0068 - Consider recommendation for a concurrent land use entitlement for a Building Site Approval, Grading Approval, and Design Review. The request includes the construction of a new 3,487 square foot single-family residence with a 480 s.f. square foot detached garage, on a 0.9-acre underlying lot. Associated site improvements include a new access driveway, removal of three (3) trees, and demolition of the existing single-family residence. Grading consists of 800 cubic yards of cut and 125 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #2: File PLN20-051 - Consider recommendation for a Variance request to reduce the side setback from thirteen feet (13’-0”) to eight feet, six inches (8’-6”) for a 677-square foot addition to an existing single-family residence.
October 8, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN20-036 - Consider recommendation for Architecture and Site Approval and Grading Approval to allow circulation improvements at Lasuen and Escondido Mall, on Stanford campus. Grading quantities consist of 2,400 cubic yards (c.y.) cut and 1,000 c.y. fill.
- Item #2: File PLN20-025 - Consider recommendation for a Building Site Approval and Design Review (Tier 2) for a 4,600 square foot single-family residence with a 697 square foot attached garage on a 1.7 acre lot. Associated improvements include access driveway, leach field, and demolition of the existing single-family residence with patios. Grading consists of 9 cubic yards of cut and 75 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #3: File PLN20-108 - Consider recommendation for a Major Modification of the 2016 Building Site Approval, Grading Approval and Design Review concurrent land use entitlement for a 5,944 square-foot single-family residence and 980 square-foot attached garage, with associated improvements including driveways, on-site wastewater system and well. Grading quantities are 910 cubic yards (c.y.) cut and 910 c.y. fill. Modification also includes review of on-site landscaping.
- Item #4: File PLN19-0183 - Consider recommendation for Design Review Approval (Tier 2) and Grading Approval for an approximately 12,170 square-foot single-family residence with attached garage, and associated site improvements, including driveway, and septic system. Ten (10) ordinance protected trees are proposed to be removed. Grading consists of 2,570 cubic yards of cut and 2,625 cubic yards of fill (total 5,195 cubic yards).
September 3, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN17-11123 - Consider recommendation for Design Review and Grading Approval for a new 8,974 square-foot single-family residence (Tier 2 project), and ancillary site improvements, including a new driveway, septic system, new pool and patio, with associated landscaping surrounding the residence. Estimated grading quantities includes 3,833 cubic yards of cut and 2,439 cubic yards of fill.
August 6, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN18-11011 - Consider recommendation for a two lot subdivision of a 10-gross-acre parcel. Parcel A would be 5 gross acres, Parcel B would be 5 gross acres. No subdivision improvements other than driveway encroachments are proposed. No additional grading or tree removal is proposed.
July 30, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN18-11011 - Consider recommendation for a two lot subdivision of a 10-gross-acre parcel. Parcel A would be 5 gross acres, Parcel B would be 5 gross acres. No subdivision improvements other than driveway encroachments are proposed. No additional grading or tree removal is proposed.
May 21, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN18-11472 - Consider recommendation of a Minor Modification to a previously approved Architecture and Site Approval and Grading Approval, in order to allow a temporary 960 square foot (sf) pro-shop trailer and a 3,234 sf. temporary tent during the construction of an approved 15,000 sf. Pro Shop. No additional grading or tree removal is required for the construction of the temporary structures.
- Item #2: File PLN18-11047 - Consider recommendation of a Parcel Map to subdivide an approximately 336-grossacre lot into two (2) new parcels (Parcel 1: 164.7gross acres & Parcel 2: 171.8 gross acres). Said property is located within an active Williamson Act Contract.
March 5, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN19-0164 - Consider recommendation for Architecture & Site Approval and Grading Approval for the new George P Shultz Building (55,569 square feet) and associated site improvements. The project includes demolition of the existing Lou Henry Hoover Building (50,845 square feet). Proposed estimated grading quantities associated with the grading approval are 212 c.y. of cut, 104 c.y. of fill, with a maximum depth of 5 feet. Grading associated with the building pad is an additional 1,656 c.y. of cut and 1,913 c.y. of fill. The project site is located east of the Hoover Tower, along Jane Stanford Way and Galvez Mall, on Stanford Campus.
- Late Correspondence
Continued to a Date Uncertain
February 6, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN19-0147 - Consider recommendation of a Extension Request and Minor Modification for an Architecture and Site Approval (ASA) and Grading Approval (G) for the development of an approximate 14,200 square-foot warehouse and restroom building (34-stalls) attached west of the existing candy shop and east of the existing wine shop. Grading of approximately 360 cubic yards of cut and 140 cubic yards of fill. No trees proposed for removal.
- Item #2: File PLN19-0079 - Consider recommendation for a Building Site Approval with Architectural Review and Grading Approval for a 9,608 square foot single-family residence with a 2,626 square foot detached garage on APN 182-36-043, where the slope of the developed area is approximately 39.18%. Associated improvements include access driveway with retaining walls and a bridge off-site. Estimated grading quantities are approximately 5,535 cubic yards of cut and 680 cubic yards of fill.
January 16, 2020
- Item #1: File PLN19-0053 - Consider recommendation for a Special Permit for a detached accessory structure (private underground wine cave with pool pavilion) containing more than 2 plumbing fixtures, with Design Review Administrative Approval (not visible site) and Grading Approval. Improvements also include access driveway with fire truck turnaround area. Grading consists of 1,437 cubic yards of cut, and 230 cubic yards of fill with a maximum depth of 14.5 feet for the winecave.
- Item #2: File PLN18-8580 - Consider recommendation for a Building Site Approval with Architectural Review, Grading Approval and Variance for a 5,950 square foot single-family residence on APN 517-37-003 (Parcel A), where the slope of the developed area is approximately 64.8%. A Variance is requested to reduce front setback from 30 feet to 12 feet, and the west side setback from 30 feet to 0 feet. Associated improvements, both on an off the property, include a new access driveway with retaining walls, bridge, culvert improvements, septic systems and repair of a landslide onsite. Estimated grading quantities for Parcel A also include legalizing previous landslide repair that was completed for approximately 1,800 cubic yards of cut and 2,700 cubic yards of fill.
- Item #3: File PLN18-8224 - Consider recommendation for a Building Site Approval with Architectural Review and Grading Approval for a 5,500 sq. ft. single-family residence with an attached 800 sq. ft. secondary dwelling on APN 517-37-001 (Parcel B), where the slope of the developed area is approximately 55.1%. Associated improvements, both on an off the property, include a new access driveway with retaining walls, bridge, culvert improvements, septic systems and repair of a landslide on-site. Estimated grading quantities for Parcel B also include legalizing previous landslide repair that was completed for approximately 1,800 cubic yards of cut and 2,700 cubic yards of fill.